In Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council Officially Recognized by the Government of the Lebanese Republic
The Republic of Lebanon and
The Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan, NGO / IGO
The role of the Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan is to be an international diplomatic agent working on the inter-religious dialogue and the protection of ethnic and religious minorities in the Middle East and diaspora, advancing the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 217A on December the 10th, 1948; and developing, improving, and harmonizing diplomatic and inter-religious dialogue is best coordinated by international organizations.
The Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan was officially recognized by the Government of the Lebanese Republic through Presidential Decree 5800/2019 on October 21st, 2019 after the Council of Ministers of Lebanon (the executive body of the Republic of Lebanon) convened and approved it. According to the Constitution, the Council of Ministers is considered the "government" of Lebanon.
This recognition by the Republic of Lebanon also included an official decree from the Lebanese Ministry of Interior and Municipalities General Directorate of Political Affairs and Refugees (Number: 814/4/2022) recognizing HRH Prince Sheikh Selim El Chemor as the current head of the Royal House branch in Lebanon and HRH Prince Gharios Head of the international organization (which was incorporated as an NGO to have standing under international law on August 18th, 2011. After that, the Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan was accredited by the United Nations ECOSOC with Special Consultative Status on July 26th, 2016).
The Government's recognition was given after three separate investigations: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants (letter number 865/5 of March 6th, 2018), The Directorate General of the General Security (letter number 3839 of May 12, 2017), and The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (conclusion). The Royal House of Ghassan has the same standing with the Republic of Lebanon as the Red Cross and the Order of Malta.
The royal family, through the international legal entity of the NGO, works in communion with the Lebanese government, having participated in several events through the One Voice Foundation. The Foundation is an “arm” of the Royal House of Ghassan NGO, with HIRH Prince Gharios and Prince Sheikh Selim on the board and HE Antoine Kalaydjian as President. Also of note is that HRH Sheikh Dr. Naji Gharios (El Chemor), a member of the royal family of Ghassan, is a former member of the Lebanese Parliament. He is known for his close personal relationships with key political figures in Lebanon, including former President Gen. Michel Aoun (13th President of Lebanon 2016-2022) and former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Gebran Bassil. These friendships highlight the deep connections between the Royal House of Ghassan and the political leadership of Lebanon. The bond between Dr. Gharios and these prominent leaders reflects the trust and respect the Ghassanid House commands within the country’s power structures.