Sovereign Imperial & Royal House of Ghassan
In Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Officially Recognized by the Government of the Lebanese Republic
THE HEAD OF THE ROYAL HOUSE OF GHASSAN ADDRESSES THE GERMAN PARLIAMENT - HIRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Numan VIII addresses the German Parliament members and Dignitaries of 49 countries in Berlin, Germany - June 2016
WOMAN NEWS AGENCY (Middle East) - Interview with Prince Gharios Al-Nu'man rightful heir to the Ghassanid royal family and titles .. what should he say ? (in Arabic) ... READ MORE
After three long years of a very bureaucratic process, The Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan is officially recognized by the Lebanese Government.
INTERVIEW ZENIT (Rome) - Prince ‘Dirties Hands’ to Help Middle East Christians Have One Concrete Voice. (in English) ... READ MORE
INTERVIEW ACTUAL (Spain) - The last Christian Arab prince: "My mission is to raise awareness in the West" (in Spanish) ... READ MORE
THE ROYAL HOUSE OF GHASSAN IS ACCREDITED BY THE UNITED NATIONS - The Royal House of Ghassan was granted “Special Consultative Status” by the United Nations Economical and Social Council. READ MORE
THE WORLD'S LEADING SCHOLAR IN MIDDLE EASTERN ROYAL SUCCESSION PRESENTS SWORN STATEMENT REGARDING THE GHASSANID ROYAL RIGHTS - Dr Joseph Albert Kéchichian, one of the indisputable world top scholars in Middle Eastern Royal Succession, signed a sworn affidavit recognizing the rights of the Ghassanid Royal Family and of HRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Nu’man VIII ...
INTERVIEW AL-ARAB(Europe/Middle East) - Gharios the Ghassanid king in the atheist twentieth century (in Arabic) ... READ MORE